Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Spring Class Schedule

Here is the spring class schedule (and there may be more classes and new venues added soon!)

Once a month I will be having a class on Tuesday nights at 7pm at Buena Vista Cafe on the Northside. 1501 Buena Vista St. 15212
Sign up in advance, as space is limited!
Feel free to spread the word to other interested friends.
Let's start something BIG!

January 24th: Herbal Basics: Infusions, Decoctions and Tinctures
February 21st: Herbal Oil and Skin Salve
March 20th: Natural Deodorant
April 24th: Lotion and Lip Balm
May 22nd: Natural Bug Repellent

RSVP to Moirin at or 412.908.0454

Hope to see you all soon!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Infusions, Decoctions, and Tinctures: Herbal Basics Make-and-Learn

Are you interested in herbalism but don't know where to begin? Come to the next Make-and-Learn! We will discuss the difference between an infusion, a decoction and a tincture, we will make and sample infusions and decoctions, and you will take home the tincture you start at the class. We will start with simple herbs, many that you have already heard of and use on a daily basis. Bring your inquisitive mind, and enthusiastic spirit, and a friend! Let's start something big!

When: Tuesday, January 24th, 7pm
Where: Buena Vista Coffee shop (1501 Buena Vista St) on the Northside, 15212
Cost: $15 (includes class and all materials and herbs/tincture to take home)
RSVP: Space is limited!